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I’ve had a few perfect days before. As I reflect on them, I realize they all involve a trip we took. Escaping reality can make for quite a lovely day, right?

But, if we are honest, reality is everywhere. We cannot hide from it no matter how many frequent flyer miles we use. I, for one, have not found a healthy way to stop thinking thoughts. To get anyone to want to do all the things my way. To truly be present in a moment for more than a few at a time. Every life-changing trip we’ve taken has arguments smattered throughout. Sometimes, work stress reared its ugly head. Other times, wrong sides of the bed abounded. It’s possible that someone said the wrong thing and ruined a morning somewhere in paradise. After all, our humanity never fails to get packed in the bags somewhere.

We sat at our favorite beach the other night. It is absolutely my favorite place to be — outside of travel. After a loooong winter and stupidly long Spring (did April and May last about 184 days for everyone or just me??), it was beach time. I was the MOST excited to approach my favorite sights, smells, and sounds.

I’m not sure I even sat down before I found things to do. Playing with my new camera gear, moving things around, looking for beach glass, getting things for people…eventually, I sat in a chair and the restlessness while sitting made me feel crazy. I literally said, “I am having the hardest time sitting here!”

What is so very hard about relaxing???? Is it just me? I am always planning, considering words and everyone else’s feelings, how I am coming across, what the next thing is and the next and next. I find my brain full like an overstuffed belly after Thanksgiving, all. of . the. time.

And this, when my schedule involves fewer out-of-the-house activities than usual!

Have we done this to ourselves? I’m sure it’s true. Why is it just so very hard to be still? Who created these expectations for me? Obviously, I did. The ones I imagine others have for me are probably just that — imagined. This is my next get-real issue I plan to explore. Just God and me. I’m thinking there’s some real stuff to uncover here. Sigh.

So, if I had a perfect day, it would be free from expectation — my own or anyone else’s. I would literally spend the entire day at the beach where it is 80 degrees and cloud-free. I would have a riveting book to read, a comfy sand bed, a tube in which to float in 74 degree water. My little cooler would have the best food — not made by me. Snacks would be involved that contained no guilt of any kind — ahhhhh…that icy cold Mountain Dew in a can would be grand (cannot even tell you the last time!). Eventually, my excited-to-be-together family including grandbabies would all show up with more food (not prepared by me), and we would all swim and watch the sun set from our bonfire circle. No bugs allowed at my perfect day. And no one cares about work or money — no drama allowed. And when we get home, the sand all miraculously fell off before we even got to the house and the beach items all put themselves away while we, smelling of campfire and marshmallows slip into dreamland.

Or my sweet man and I find ourselves in Kauai for 3 weeks. Either way.

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  1. JJody says:

    Sounds like a perfect day to me–especially eating food not made by me and free of any expectations. Why do we put so many on ourselves? Some of my perfect days were when our kids were younger and we’d spend a week at a nearby Christian family camp. The food and snacks were all prepared for us, we were all spiritually fed, spent lots of time laying on the beach or doing whatever we wanted, and we had the perfect amount of family and alone time. Perfection! I love reading your posts Alison, and being reminded of life as a Yooper.

    • alison says:

      I am so glad for your comment, Jody. It is refreshing to know that someone else understands the whole expectation thing. That camp sounds like absolute heaven. It’s easy to miss the days when the kids were younger and we all seemed like a happy unit — at least for me. But those days, too, had their challenges. I am working on begin present in this moment. I’m sure you are, too. I pray you find that peace.

      • Jody says:

        We tend to glorify those days when the kids were young. They were tough moments along the joys for sure. Truthfully, I love having adult children.

        • alison says:

          We do, don’t we? We have a video tape from a glorious California trip we once took on which there is about a half hour or more where we did not know the camera was recording. What we hear is the kids squabbling and being too loud and Us getting after them and declaring *silent bus!* That’s the reality — AND the reality is that it was glorious. :o)
          Thank you for adding your truth to my words.

  2. Maryann says:

    Alison, I have been reading your posts for a good long while now and they never fail to touch my heart in some way. Today’s post is especially resonant as we are all feeling a restlessness, like the cicadas who are coming to life from their shells. Thank you, always, for your beautiful words and thoughts. Be still….

    • alison says:

      Maryann, you moved me to tears. I am so glad to know I’m not alone. Thank you for the encouragement. May you be richly blessed.


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Mac & Cheese


Once upon a time, there was a girl who just wanted creamy, cheesy mac and cheese. Not full of spices or fancy things, just plain ol’ gooey mac and cheese. As such,  The Mac & Cheese was born.  Alison's recipe has become our claim to fame—standing strong as the Most Pinned Mac & Cheese Recipe on Pinterest. 



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